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Tips on Protecting Your Phone

So, you want to know how to protect your phone from damage? Hopefully, you’re just curious and haven’t had some sort of disaster with your phone!  

Some pretty incredible and sometimes funny situations have resulted in damage to phones. 

However, I guess if it’s your phone, it’s not funny. 

There are a few things you can do to help protect your phone from damage: 

– Use a case 

– Keep it clean 

– Don’t drop it! 

– Avoid extreme temperatures 

– Avoid water 

Let’s go into detail about each of these things. 

Protect Your Phone with a Good Case 

This will help protect your phone from scratches, dents, and other general wear and tear. Cases come in all sorts of materials so find one that you like and that fits your lifestyle. If you’re always on the go however, you might want something more rugged. If you’re more low-key, something sleek and simple might be more your style. No matter what, getting a case is a great way to start protecting your phone 

Protect Your Phone by Keeping it Clean 

Wipe down your phone regularly to remove any dirt, dust, or fingerprints. This will help keep it looking new and prevent any build-up that could damage your phone over time. 

Don’t Drop Your Phone 

Common sense it may be but it’s worth repeating. Dropping your phone, even just a few inches, can cause damage to the screen, housing, or internal components. If you’re prone to dropping things, get a case that will help cushion your phone if it falls. 

Protect Your Phone by Avoiding Extreme Temperatures 

Like any electronic device, extreme cold or heat can damage your phone. Avoid leaving it in your car on a hot day or in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. In the winter, be careful not to leave it in the cold for too long as well. Protect your phone if you’re going to be out in the elements. 

Phones and Water Don’t Mix! 

Be extra careful around any bodies of water, and make sure to keep your phone dry at all times. 

Insurance is worthwhile considering for your phone because if your phone is damaged, insurance can help you get it repaired or replaced quickly. In addition, if your phone is lost or stolen, insurance can help you replace it. 

iPhone Medix is a great option if you’re in the market because we specialize in iPhone repair. So, whether you have a cracked screen or water damage, we can help. We also sell refurbished iPhones if you’re looking for a replacement phone. 

Hopefully, this has helped give you some insights into protecting your phone from damage. These tips can help extend the life of your phone and avoid any costly repairs. 

iPhone Medix is available for a chat anytime so let’s see how we can help you get your phone back to working order. However, if it’s seen its last days, we can help you get a new or refurbished phone.  

It may be surprising to know that all is not lost and what looks like a disaster might just be able to be fixed. iPhone Medix can certainly let you know either way, so contact us today.